Wonder Girls 2011

Wonder No More; The Girls are Back!

It seems that all our k-pop cuties are trading in their cutesy facades recently for a more mature look and Wonder Girls are no exception. Back from shooting their Teen…
Nike Winter Jam Seoul 2011

Nike Winter Jam Seoul 2011

While most people have to wait for the first snowfall to enjoy winter sports, those of us lucky enough to live in Korea do not. Not only can you enjoy…
Q&A: Café Chat

Q&A: Café Chat

Okay. So now that I've gone on and on about different cafés (and will probably continue doing so), let's brush up on some Korean. Here are some helpful phrases to…
A Cookie for the Millennium

A Cookie for the Millennium

I love holidays along with any excuse to do something out of the ordinary. Thankfully Korea is full of random holidays and one is just a day away, Peppero (빼빼로) Day! This…
Hello Coffee, Hello Kitty

Hello Coffee, Hello Kitty

When it comes to stylish cafes, Korea has it all. And if you feel like something is missing... it's probably Hello Kitty. How could you not feel complete with this…
Is there a Dr. in the Café?

Is there a Dr. in the Café?

It doesn't take long for any visitor to find that the culture in Korea thrives on coffee. It's not unlike western culture, but coffee in Korea comes with a little…

How Not to Get Ripped Off by Taxis

I might live in Korea for decades and still be scared to drive here. Back home I used to joke that to my friends, traffic laws were more like suggestions.…
Red (Day)zed

Red (Day)zed

Red . . . the color that everyone eagerly searches for on their calendar here in Korea. With the exception of the obvious Saturday and Sunday, Red days mean one…