Kohojae Afternoon Tea at Korea House

Kohojae Afternoon Tea at Korea House

Korea House is a mainstay of the Myeongdong area, one that we've passed by a few times during our years here. They're most well-known for their higher-end traditional Korean dining…
The Trip Not Yet Taken

The Trip Not Yet Taken

I really want to go Taipei. Primarily for the food. The street food scene, I mean... Asian cuisine is just so good. And from everything I've seen, it seems like heaven for people who want to eat their way through a city. I really want to see that place in Taipei that part of Spirited Away is based off. I want to see shrines and ancient places that I can't see anywhere else. I want to take in the culture. And the nightlife... not clubbing. But I guess that's eating again.
Travel Tips for September in Korea

Travel Tips for September in Korea

September is a great time to visit Korea. We are slowly coming out of the sweltering heat of August and moving towards our personal favorite time of year... autumn! There's a lot of fun things to see and do this time of year. Here are a few tips to help plan your trip!
Afternoon Tea @ Tea Rose Garden

Afternoon Tea @ Tea Rose Garden

It's a standing tradition anytime I'm back in California, I take my baby sister out for some afternoon tea. It was a special little ritual I started with her back…
My First Ube Experience: Café 86

My First Ube Experience: Café 86

I have slowly been compiling lists of cafes and restaurant I want to try when I travel and then low key stalking their Instagram accounts while I work out at…