Darling’s Cake (달링스케익)

Darling’s Cake (달링스케익)

Back in November we celebrated my boyfriend's birthday. Having been together for so long, it has become increasingly difficult to come up with fun new ways to surprise him each year.…
6 Ultimate Cakes to Try in Seoul

6 Ultimate Cakes to Try in Seoul

Let's face it, cake is delicious and if you've never had it before… you should start now because you have a lot of catching up to do. I myself am…
Decoa Balim (데코아발림)

Decoa Balim (데코아발림)

The name Decoa Balim comes from the combination of the words "decorations" and "cocoa balim," which is some type of cacao. Owner Oh Seung Jin wanted to create a unique name that would capture the…